This year our main focus was on helping the children understand the importance of protecting Elephants. The day was dedicated to this purpose. The children were taught the difference between pet and wild animals and where they live. They were made to understand how we should be kind to our pets and handle them with care and gentleness.
They learnt about Endangered animals, the importance of protecting these animals and the environment in which they live. To emphasise the importance of protecting their environment, the book ‘Little Helpers’ was read during library time to the children. We spoke in particular about protecting the Elephants of Sri Lanka, how it is wrong to chain or make them walk in parades and that they should be left free to roam in the wild. The children also engaged in making an Elephant pencil holder with recycled material. In appreciation of all animals, the children sang all the animal songs they have learnt over the years and enjoyed “walking on the line” using animal movements.