Toddler Education

Age group: 1 ½ to 2 ½ years
Hours: 8.30 – 11 am

Dr Maria Montessori identified the primary sensitive periods of a child from birth to age 3 to be Movement, Language, Orientation to the environment and Order. The toddler aged child is like a sponge, absorbing knowledge from his environment rapidly and effortlessly. She referred to this stage of development as the period of the Unconscious Absorbent Mind. Dr Maria Montessori identified this fertile period of cognitive development, and recognized the need for a rich, well prepared environment just for toddlers.

In her observations of children she also saw that they were always moving and always exploring with hands, mouth, eyes and ears. Her conclusion was that movement is the law of the child’s being and the way to his brain is through his hands. Therefore a toddler aged child must be exposed to an environment which is established on the principles of learning through movement and where he can learn to coordinate movement and develop clear sensory impressions through simple hands-on activities.

Toddlers looking at a book

Toddler Curriculum

Our Montessori based Toddler curriculum supports the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of each child. Toddlers strengthen speech and language development and both fine and gross motor skills as they explore self, family and the world in which they live. As toddlers develop friendships, self-esteem, and curiosity, we help them explore their world in a safe and nurturing environment.

The Little Explorers Toddler programme prepares children for Montessori work by exposing them to each area of the Montessori curriculum. Toddlers learn concentration, coordination, language skills, responsibility and respect—all of which prepare them well for a successful transition into the Montessori class. Toddlers who complete the programme experience a much smoother transition to the Montessori Class at the next level. Independence is encouraged at a gradual pace. We believe that even very young children can be responsible for the care of themselves and their own environments.

The Toddlers at Little Explorers spend a busy day with activities such as, sorting, stacking, counting, matching and sequencing, scooping, pouring, cutting, folding, buttoning and pounding, moulding with play dough, cleaning and sweeping. Matching cards with objects according to colour, working with puzzles, activities for size and discrimination, vocabulary cards and stories read aloud. Toddlers learn language from stimulating materials and activities and learn to articulate their wants, needs, likes and dislikes. They are free to choose their “work,” and work becomes a cherished activity.

Toddlers spend time outdoors in the garden or indoors in the toddlers’ own indoor play room daily, Exercise is included in the daily programme. For the young child maximum time on the floor / on his tummy, as in creeping and crawling, effectively, helps the hemispheres form these crucial connections. Every time the child moves an arm or leg, a signal goes to the motor cortex of the brain. The more such signals are sent to the brain, the stronger the connections and the more fluid the movement. We provide a safe, comfortable and attractive environment with objects that stimulate interest that enhance development.

Diapering is a regular part of our daily routine. We will also help with the toilet training of your child when he is ready.